
My roommate, Katie, and I often find ourselves with a great deal of free time. Most of the time, our boredom manifests itself in the form of Golden Girls marathons, Google searches for things I probably shouldn't repeat here, or the consumption of too many beers at our school's on-campus pub. However, one night, as I waxed poetic about my love for macaroni and cheese, Katie had a brilliant idea: "You should start a blog and write about all the different mac and cheeses you like to eat." Frankly, I've always thought that approximately 98% of college students' blogs are douchey and pretentious, and I've generally found that reading one post on a college student's blog is like reading a ten-page version of a Twitter post. No one cares that much, and there's a reason Twitter has a 140-character limit. However, once Katie had her idea, it all came together. Why not write about something I love, while saving other people from the horrible, horrible feeling of excitedly purchasing a new type of mac and cheese only to discover that it's bland and runny? (I know, I know. You all can thank me later). A few hours later, after an epic brainstorming session, I had a name (thanks to a suggestion from my boyfriend, Steve) and was ready to blog. Unfortunately, since Katie is a vegan, she has been unable to benefit from her brilliant idea - save for the fact that she no longer needs to listen to my rambling about a food she cannot eat. In short, though, while it may seem lame to blog about a food that you can buy in a box, I hope that the hungry college students of the world are eternally grateful for my brilliant writings.